Stay healthy with a fresh, monthly supply of GreenTeaHawaii at a discount. Upon enrolling in the Loyalty Program, you will select the products you want and then every 30 days thereafter we will send out another order of fresh GreenTea Hawaii.
Original, POG
Calories 6, Carb 2g, Sugars .5g
Proprietary Herbal Blend 540 mg (Greentea Extract, Noni Extract, L - Theanine)
Proprietary Sweetening Blend: 625 mg(Organic Evaporated Cane Sugar and Stevia)
Other Ingredients: Natural Flavor, Non-GMO Maltodextrin, Citric Acid
Pineapple Strawberry, Raspberry Lemonade
Calories 9, Carb 2g, Sugars 2g
Proprietary Herbal Blend 540 mg (Greentea Extract, Noni Extract, L - Theanine)
Proprietary Sweetening Blend: 2130 mg(Organic Evaporated Cane Sugar and Stevia)
Other Ingredients: Natural Flavor, Non-GMO Maltodextrin, Citric Acid